In today’s knowledge economy the majority of a company’s market value resides in its intangible assets: know-how, expertise, reputation, etc. A company’s tangible assets typically only account for around 20% of its net worth, the bulk of the remaining 80% comprises the single largest commercial asset class that underpins all leading companies today: its intellectual assets.
Chief amongst the intellectual assets is the company’s intellectual property (IP) such as its patents, trademarks, designs, and trade secrets. Simply applying for IP rights does not in itself create or add commercial value. IP rights can be costly to secure, but critically they need to be aligned with the business strategy if they are to be seen as anything other than an on-going legal expense with little or no upside.
Expert alignment of the company’s IP with its value proposition and future-proofing the evolution of the business is the domain of the IP strategist
In today’s knowledge economy the majority of a company’s market value resides in its intangible assets: know-how, expertise, reputation, etc. A company’s tangible assets typically only account for around 20% of its net worth, the bulk of the remaining 80% comprises the single largest commercial asset class that underpins all leading companies today: its intellectual assets.
Chief amongst the intellectual assets is the company’s intellectual property (IP) such as its patents, trademarks, designs, and trade secrets. Simply applying for IP rights does not in itself create or add commercial value. IP rights can be costly to secure, but critically they need to be aligned with the business strategy if they are to be seen as anything other than an on-going legal expense with little or no upside.
Expert alignment of the company’s IP with its value proposition and future-proofing the evolution of the business is the domain of the IP strategist